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In this site you can embark on a journey that will lead you to meet and get to know the four main characters of the Novels of Lake Maggiore: the Carabinieri Marshal Luca Gatti, Marta, Stefano Airoldi and the old friend Don Piero. It is also a journey that tells Stresa. A city of rare beauty where the protagonists live their adventures in the most difficult years of the twentieth century. From 1935, through the entire Second World War to the post-war period, here you can browse the images, colors and scents of the lake in which our friends are immersed. You may be surprised by discovering how much history, small or large, has passed through Stresa. The “historical” context of the novels is strictly true. The episodes and the “historical” characters narrated are rigorously and completely true. From Mussolini to Petacci, from Achille Starace to Galeazzo Ciano, from Dino Grandi to Capitano Kuger, they are all, not only real, but present in Stresa during the period in which the events narrated take place. and the attacks, in addition to the local characters, including the main ones, are instead all rigorously the fruit of the author’s imagination. The plots of the adventures described arise precisely from the meeting of their little stories with the great History, the one with the capital “S” of to which, to quote Luca Gatti: “after all, nobody gives a damn.” Have a good trip into reality mixed with fantasy. Alberto

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